Entering Fixed Amount Revenue

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When forecasting revenue for a business, especially one that has predictable income streams, choosing the "Fixed Amount" option within the Upmetrics Finance Forecasting module can be incredibly effective. This method is ideal for revenues that remain constant over a period, such as lease payments or contracted services.

This revenue type allows you to enter earnings that remain constant over a set period, making it perfect for incomes that do not fluctuate, such as rent from property leases or interest from investments.

Adding a Fixed Amount Revenue:


In your financial forecasting tool, Navigate to the Revenue tab and click on Add Revenue Stream:


A popup will appear, Enter the Revenue Stream title and click on Save & Next:


Upmetrics gives you 5 ways to forecast revenue streams. select the "Fixed Amount" option.


You can add your revenue on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

  • Constant Amount: Use this if your revenue does not change over time.
  • Varying Amounts Over Time: Choose this if your revenue will increase or decrease. Specify the percentage variation and the frequency of these changes.
  • here, in this case, you may select the Constant Amount as revenue is fixed.


Enable settings for inventory, sales tax, and refunds as needed based on your business requirements.

  • Inventory Tracking:Toggle this on if you need to keep track of inventory for the items or services sold.
  • Sales Tax Collection: Enable this if you are required to collect sales tax on this revenue stream.
  • Refunds Tracking: Activate this if there's a possibility of issuing refunds, such as for unused rent.

Set the start and end dates for when this revenue will be applicable.


Once all information is entered, click "Save" to finalize the settings.

After saving, a forecasted Excel sheet will open where you can review and make any necessary adjustments to your forecast.

Editing or Deleting a Revenue Stream:

To Edit an Existing Revenue Stream:


Within Revenue groups, click on 'edit' for the revenue stream you need to modify.


A forecast sheet will display, allowing direct edits, or click on the edit button to enter the forecast form for detailed modifications.

In the form that will appear, You can click on any input fields that you wish to edit:


After making the necessary changes, click 'save' in the form to finalize them.

To Delete a Revenue Stream:


Go to the Revenue Group section and click on the delete option for the stream you need to delete.


A confirmation popup will appear. Click 'Yes' to finalize the deletion of the revenue stream.

Where does this entry appear in the financial statements?

Your provided revenue streams will be utilized to populate the highlighted portions of the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow tables shown below:

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