How to reset your finance data?

Keeping your business plan’s financial data current is crucial in an ever-evolving market environment. The "Reset Financial Data" feature permits users to reset their finance forecasting module.

This essential tool guarantees the relevance and accuracy of your financial planning, aligning it with your immediate strategic goals.

Steps to reset your finances:


Open the Finance Forecasting module and access the Settings option.

Here look for the Reset Financial Data option and click it.


Upon clicking, A warning popup will prompt you for confirmation.

Type the name of your workspace into the provided field to verify your intent.


Enter the correct workspace name on the given field.

Once you've correctly entered the workspace name, The Ok, Reset option will be activated, and click on it to reset your finance data.


Following the reset, you'll be redirected to the Financial Forecasting Setup page to reconfigure your financial projections.

Now, Follow the steps to Forecast your finances. For more details, read Getting Started Financial Planning and Forecasts.

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