Is it possible to work offline on pitch or plans?

We are primarily an online platform designed for real-time collaboration, seamless updates, and secure cloud storage. It is optimized for use with an internet connection.

There may be situations where users need to work on their pitches or plans offline, such as while traveling or in areas with limited internet access. 

In such cases, We recommend Downloading the plan/ Pitch as a Word document, allowing users to work on the written sections offline. Once back online, users can copy and paste the revised text from the Word document into the appropriate sections of their plan/ pitch.

NOTE: The best practice for managing financial data is to update it online, thereby fully leveraging the platform's array of calculators and features for enhanced planning accuracy.

Downloading your Pitch/ Plan as a Word document:

Developing an effective pitch or business plan is essential for entrepreneurial success. We offer a user-friendly platform to create these vital documents effortlessly.

Should you need to share your work with other users or make offline edits, the feature to Download your pitch/ plan as a Word document proves invaluable.

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