How to write a Business Pitch?

A business pitch is a brief and compelling presentation of your business idea, designed to capture the interest of potential investors, partners, or stakeholders.

The goal of a pitch is to engage the audience, spark interest in your business idea, and persuade them to take a desired action, such as investing in your company or purchasing your product or service.

The Upmetrics Pitch Deck Builder typically includes the following sections:   

Upmetrics streamlines the creation of professional and compelling business presentations and structured guidance that saves time and enhances collaboration. Navigating to the Pitch Deck Builder allows you to adjust various aspects to perfect your business presentation:

In this article

  • Introduction
  • Opportunity
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Funding
  • Financial Projections
  • Traction
  • Timeline / Milestones
  • Team & Key Members
  • Partners & Resources
  • Introduction:

    The Introduction section of the pitch deck builder is designed to set the stage for your business presentation. It provides a concise overview of your business, capturing the attention of potential investors or stakeholders from the outset.

    It is structured into two pivotal components:

    • Business Name & Logo: The Business Name & Logo visually represent your brand and are often the first thing that viewers will notice.

      Begin your business pitch with your company name and logo positioned at the top.

      Here are the steps to add a Business Name & Logo:

      Click on the Introduction option field of Pitch Builder to add the Business name. Your Business plan name automatically appears as the Business Name, which you can update if necessary.

      NOTE: You can Insert the business name that corresponds with your business goals.

      NOTE: name must be no more than 72 characters

      You can upload the business logo by clicking on the given field as below:
      You can adjust the logo to be either black or white as described and click on Save as below:
      If an incorrect image has been uploaded, you can eliminate it by clicking on the delete option.
    • About Business: This segment provides a brief overview of your business, including its mission, vision, and core values, setting the stage for a deeper dive into your business model and proposition.

      It aims to quickly engage the audience's interest, highlighting why your business stands out in the market and how it aligns with their investment or partnership criteria.

      You can change your slide name from the given field in the left top corner. You can hide help tips from the slide by using the "Hide help tip" option located at the top right corner.

      Here is the guide on how you can add details in the About Business section. Please refer to the image below:

      Upmetrics AI Assistants help you perfect your business pitch. It can generate and refine your pitch content. Benefit from features like automatic translation into over 9+ languages, tone adjustment, and content improvement to make your pitch globally appealing. Click on the Write With AI option to Utilize this feature.

      By clicking on it, AI will start to generate the content automatically and by clicking on Save Content to Pitch, The content details can be saved in the section. You have the flexibility to utilize the AI Assistant feature with other slides, such as Market Overview, Sales & Marketing, and Funding.

      NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.

      In the Pitch Deck Builder, each section offers a Preview Slide function to examine its appearance after finishing.

      After clicking on the Preview Slide option, here's how it will appear:


    The "Opportunity" offers a comprehensive way to present the potential your business has to prospective investors or stakeholders. This section is designed to showcase the promising aspects of your venture, underlining the gap in the market that your business intends to fill.

    Problem Worth Solving: This section focuses on identifying and articulating the specific problem or needs in the market that your business aims to address.- Below, you'll find a text field where you can enter the description:

    • Description can be added to Unorder List, Order List, or Paragraph as below:

    • Use Upmetrics AI Assistance to help write content by clicking Write With AI. Afterward, AI starts to generate the automatic content, and by clicking on Save Content details can be stored

    • NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.

    Our Solution: Following the problem identification, this part delves into your proposed solution.

    It describes how your product or service effectively solves the identified problem, outlining the unique benefits and features that set your solution apart from existing alternatives.

    Below, you'll find a text field where you can enter the description:

    • Description can be added to Unorder List, Order List, or Paragraph as below:

    • Use Upmetrics AI Assistance to write content by clicking 'Write With AI.' AI generates details automatically. Click Save Content To Pitch to store details.

      NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.

    Target Market: This section is dedicated to identifying and analyzing the specific group of consumers or businesses that your product or service is designed to serve. It involves segmenting the market based on various criteria such as demographics, geography, behavior, and needs.

    • Click on “Click to add new target segment” to add the Target Market segment.

    • Following that, a popup will appear asking, 'Tell us about this target segment'.

    • Afterward, Need to fill in the details provided of the Segment name, Estimated Number of Customers, and Estimated Money they will pay. Click on Save Details to store the information.

    • Following that, Details will be displayed, and it can easily be edited with the Edit option.

    • You can edit or remove any market Segment with an Edit option.

    • This is what the preview looks like:

    Competitors: Understanding and presenting the competitive landscape is crucial. This section requires you to identify key competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. It offers a chance to position your business strategically, showcasing how your offering is different and why it is superior to others in the market.

    • Click onClick to add competitor” to add the Competitors' details.

    • Following that, a popup will appear asking, Tell us about this competitor

    • Afterward, Need to fill in the details provided of the competitor's name and the Advantages of your Solution. Click on Save Details to store the information

    • Following that, Details will be displayed, and it can easily be edited with the Edit option.

    • You can edit or remove any Competitors' details with an Edit option.

    • After clicking on the Preview Slide option, here's how it will appear the whole section:

    Sales & Marketing

    The sales & Marketing section outlines strategies to attract and retain customers, detailing promotional activities, sales channels, pricing, and market positioning. It specifies how the business intends to generate revenue and increase market share, focusing on customer engagement and brand visibility.

    Sales Channel: This section outlines the various pathways through which your products or services will reach your customers. It details your distribution strategy, whether directly to consumers through online platforms or physical stores, or indirectly via wholesalers, retailers, or partnerships.- To get through this section:

    • Description can be added to Unorder List, Order List, or Paragraph as below:

    • Upmetrics AI Assistance can generate details automatically. By clicking on Save Content to Pitch details can be stored.

      NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.

    Marketing Activities: This section is for explaining your methods for attracting attention, building interest in your product or service, and converting prospects into customers. Describe your presence on the web and any online marketing activities you're engaged in.

    The focus is on how these activities will create brand awareness, generate leads, and convert prospects into loyal customers.

    Here are the steps of how you can add details in the Marketing Activities Section:

    • Description can be added to Unorder List, Order List, or Paragraph as below:

    • Use Upmetrics AI Assistance to generate the details automatically, and by clicking on Save Content To Pitch details can be stored.

      NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.


    The "Funding" section of the pitch deck outlines the capital needed, funding terms, and allocation plans. It details investment requirements, specifies how funds will be used—covering product development to expansion—and aims to assure investors of growth potential and return on investment, making a strong case for financial support.

    Here are the steps for writing this section: 

    What is the funding amount required?
    You need to determine and include the specific amount of funding necessary to meet your business's requirements.

    Funding Request: This section should give investors a clear picture of what their financial support will accomplish and how it fits into their overall plan for growth and success. Make sure to clarify whether you're seeking a short-term loan or if you're offering an equity stake in your company and possibly a place on the board in exchange for investment.

    You can use Upmetrics AI Assistance to write a Funding Request and by clicking on Save Content To Pitch details can be saved in the About Business section as below:

    NOTE: The AI produces data according to the information entered in the Business Plan Module.

    Use of Funds: provide a clear and concise explanation of how the funding you receive will be allocated to support various aspects of your business. Use of funds name can be added as per your business requirements.

    Customize the naming of your funds to align with your business objectives and present their distribution in up to three organized sections.

    • i.e. Indicate the portion of the funding amount intended for Product Development.

    • You can also utilize Upmetrics AI assistance to create the details for the use of funds section as below:

    Financial Projections

    Financial Projections provide a snapshot of your company's future financial performance, encompassing revenue, expenses, and net profit. This section is vital for investors, as it outlines your business's potential for growth and profitability.

    By presenting well-founded projections, you can demonstrate your understanding of the market and your strategy for financial success.

    Import from Finance: Turning on this option will result in automatic data retrieval from the Finance Forecasting module to complete the Financial Projections section as below:

    Enter Manually: You can opt for the manual data entry option If the Finance forecast module is not your choice, as described below:

    You can add a new finance entry by specifying the year by clicking on Click to add new finance record as below:

    You can delete a record if it's not required by clicking on the remove option below:

    This is how the preview looks with chart details:


    The traction section highlights your business's progress and achievements, such as revenue growth, user acquisition, and key partnerships. It's a crucial part of the pitch deck, showcasing your company's momentum and market validation to attract potential investors.

    By showcasing your traction, you provide evidence of your business's potential for scalability and long-term success.

    Follow these instructions to implement Traction:

    Import From Business Plan: This feature enables the importation of traction data from your business plan, providing the ability to fetch and subsequently modify the data.

    Enter Manually: By choosing this option, you can manually enter your traction data.

    Here in this slide, you will be presented with 2 options by the system, Start with empty data and Start with dummy data

    You can select any 1 option and click on Confirm & Start to continue.

    Remember the following instructions:

    Click on the provided field to change the Traction Icon as shown below:

    Choose the suitable icon and then Select it to apply to the Traction.

    Click on Click to add a new traction item to add a new Traction.

    You can remove traction by using the Remove Traction? option.

    Timeline / Milestones

    the "Timeline / Milestones" section is used to outline the key milestones and timelines of your business. This section should describe the major achievements you plan to accomplish and the specific timeframes in which you aim to achieve them.

    It's important to highlight significant events such as product launches, funding rounds, market expansions, or any other critical milestones that demonstrate the progress and growth trajectory of your business.

    To Set Up Milestones:

    Import From Business Plan: With this feature, you can import data from your business plan, offering the capability to access and modify the data as needed.

    Enter Manually: By choosing this option, you can manually enter your data.

    Here, You will be presented with two options by the system.

    • Start with empty data
    • Start with dummy data

    You can select any 1 option and click on Confirm & Start to continue.

    Click on “ Add New Event” to add events.

    Choose an icon or image as per requirement.

    Add event name & Date accordingly.

    You can remove events that are not required with Remove Event? Option.

    Team & Key Members

    In this section of your Pitch Deck, you need to introduce the individuals who play crucial roles in your company, including the founder, co-founder, CEO, and any other key executives.

    Describe their backgrounds in a way that highlights their relevant experience, skills, and accomplishments, emphasizing how these attributes contribute directly to the company's success.

    Here are the steps to add Team & Key Members:

    Click on Add New Team Member.

    Upload the profile picture and add the name & designation accordingly.

    Add the qualification and experience as below:This information can be inputted as an ordered list or an unordered list.

    You can use the Remove Member? option and click on Yes, Remove to delete a member.

    Partners & Resources

    This includes detailing strategic partnerships, collaborations with other companies or organizations, key suppliers, and any significant resources that contribute to your business's value proposition and operational efficiency.

    The aim here is to demonstrate to investors that your company is well-supported by a network of partners and resources, which mitigates risks, amplifies your capabilities, and positions your business for sustained growth and success.

    This section reassures investors that your company is resourceful, well-connected, and strategically positioned within your ecosystem.

    Here are the steps to add Partners & Resources:

    Click on Add New Partners / Resources to add it.

    Upload an image for your partner or resource and add the Partner Name.

    In this Description section, you need to explain the role they will play in aiding your progress.The Description can be inputted as an ordered list or an unordered list.

    You can use the Remove Partner? option and click on Yes, Remove to delete a partner.

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