Publish your business plan template

To allow other users or your colleague to use your own business plan template/sample, you need to publish your template. After writing your own business plan template requests us to publish your business plan template. Here is the step by step guide to publishing It to our business plan repository:

To publish your business plan template/sample:


Navigate to the workspace settings.


On the settings tab, click on  Publish my template button to request us to publish your business plan as a template. 

Note: This option is the only visible to some specific premium accounts for which we have enabled creating the template feature. 

Confirm the action for publishing


Once you send us a request, Seat back and relax. Our team at upmetrics will review your template and approve/reject it for publishing into our repository, In addition, Our team may ask for additional details like template title, description, and creative, etc.:


You need to wait till we contact back to you regarding the further process of publishing.